Monday, March 19, 2012


Forgotten by Cat Patrick

 My rating: 4/5
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 288
Realease date: June 7th 2011
Summary (from Goodreads): Each night at precisely 4:33 am, while sixteen-year-old London Lane is asleep, her memory of that day is erased. In the morning, all she can "remember" are events from her future. London is used to relying on reminder notes and a trusted friend to get through the day, but things get complicated when a new boy at school enters the picture. Luke Henry is not someone you'd easily forget, yet try as she might, London can't find him in her memories of things to come.

When London starts experiencing disturbing flashbacks, or flash-forwards, as the case may be, she realizes it's time to learn about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.

My review:

The summary for Forgotten instantly intrigued me, mainly because I'd never read, or heard of, a book like it before. The idea of losing your memory of the entire day before is really interesting, and I love that it's a very precise time, that it's not just 4:30 or 4:35, it's 4:33.

The characters were well written, and intriguing enough to keep pulling me into the story. They always kept me interested, especially when London is with Luke, and is constantly finding out things about him because she forgets a lot of the things she already knows. Because each day London forgets everything, it's like starting fresh with the same character every day that passes in the book, which makes it very interesting to read about.

Forgotten is one of those books that even when you feel like you haven't read that much, you're already 150 pages into it. I read it in one sitting, so it's an easy book to read that doesn't require too much thinking or time, but all the while still being very enjoyable. I think that almost anyone could enjoy this Forgotten, especially if you just want something that you can read quickly, perhaps while waiting for another book to arrive for you, since it is such an easy read.

If you haven't read Forgotten yet, I recommend that you get a start on it now!


  1. I read this one a while ago, and, like you, read it in one sitting! What drew me to it was it's uniqueness. And it's lack of a love triangle. I adored the characters and was glad I picked it up!

    Great review! :)

  2. Oooh I totally want to read this now! I love books that you end up halfway through without realizing you've even made it that far.

    Great review!

    Jenny at Books to the Sky


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