Friday, February 3, 2012


Crossed by Ally Condie

My rating: 5/5
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Pages: 397
Release date: November 1st
Summary (from Goodreads):

My review: I read Matched the day it came out and loved it, so needless to say that I couldn't wait to get my hands on Crossed.

I'm finding it hard to decide whether I liked Crossed more than Matched or not. Matched is probably a bit better in my opinion, but they were both amazing. The first thing that I noticed about Crossed was that Cassia wasn't quite as... Mindless as in Matched. She knew what she needed to do and she wasn't afraid to do it. I found that Cassia was a more developed and a better character in Crossed, which made her a lot more enjoyable to read about. And it wasn't just Cassia that was more developed, it was also Xander and Ky. I think that that was probably the best part about Crossed.

As with Matched, the writing was unbelievably smooth. Everything flowed perfectly in it.
However, the problem I found was that often the voice of Ky and the voice of Cassia were so similar that I forgot who I was reaching about. And the ending! Oh, the ending! I need to get my hands on the next one the second I can!

I can't wait to read more from Ally Condie, maybe I'll start on some of her contemporary novels. If you haven't read this series yet, you should try to get your hands on a copy!